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Mambo Dream Team
Copacabana Salsa Congress
NYC ~ August 28, 29, & 30, 2003

Mambo Dream Team performed at the Copacabana Salsa Congress in New York City on August 28, 29, & 30, 2003. Dora and Pawel are Toronto's top dance couple and are world class dancers. They can be reached at 416.604.8605.
The official Mambo Dream team Website is www.MamboDreamTeam.com
Also the Copa Girls and the Cabana Boys were on hand to exite the audience with their dance moves and their good looks.
These photographs were taken by J. Fernando Lamadrid on August 28, 29, & 30, 2003 and are copyright 2003 www.justsalsa.com. All rights reserved. The International Copyrights are released in perpetuity to the dancers of the Mambo Dream Team of Toronto Canada. Your feedback is welcome. Enjoy!


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