I was dancing in the Magic, cultivating the feeling of letting things fall by their own weight.
Like ripe Mangos from the Plaza's Trees on a Warm afternoon.
The universe of inexplicable inter-relations was the stage to a Love that grew in my Heart's center.
I danced along and fed the Fire and fanned the Flames of Life.
Overwhelmed with the synchronicity of the smooth cyclical waves of Warmth springing between all things; sensing the Body buoyant.
Not being able to differentiate between the Body and everything else was a complete and fatal blow to the good-will weakened Ego.
Having come from a place of intense stimulation it required some adjustment to be able to feel all the layers of sensation.
Slowly, the senses awakened and the gamut of feeling was widened.
Movement became a conscience dialog, a fluent easy conversation with the spatial.
And, the Power of concentration manifested into the rapture of Light and Sound.
J. Fernando L. y B.